With Pynchon’s Inherent Vice, most covers cleave to the lovely Penguin cover with the very cool Darshan Zenith image, but others go way out there, seemingly leaving the novel itself behind…

US Uncorrected Proof / ARC
Publisher: Penguin Press (2009)
Design: Tal Goretsky / Darren Haggar
Painting: Darshan Zenith

1st US Hardback
Publisher: Penguin Press (2009)
Design: Tal Goretsky / Darren Haggar
Painting: Darshan Zenith

1st French Edition
Publisher: Seuil (2010)
Translator: Nicolas Richard
Cover: Leelu Morris/Photolibrary

French Paperback
Publisher: Seuil/Points (2011)
Translator: Nicolas Richard
Cover: Leelu Morris/Photolibrary
Pages: 1 2