Designers seem to have the most fun with Pynchon’s Slow Learner, a collection of his early stories. Each takes his/her own path, it appears…

US Uncorrected Proofs
Publisher: Little, Brown (1984)
Gathered and sewn, unbound sheets, in a proof dust jacket

First US Edition
Publisher: Little, Brown (1984)
Design: Dede Cummings / Fred Marcellino
Price: $14.95

US & UK Paperback
Publisher: Random House Group / Vintage (2007)
Illustrator: Yuko Kondo
Task: “choose random words from inside each novel and draw these words.”

Japanese 1st Edition (PB)
Title: Surō rānā [Slow Learner]
Publisher: Japanese UNI Agency; Tokyo: Chikuma Shobo 1994
Pages: 1 2