The covers for Pynchon’s Vineland tend to play off the Darius Kinsey image Crescent Camp, No. 1 used on the first Little, Brown edition, but others riff on hippies and the counterculture and, in one instance, pinball! Check ’em out…

1st US Hardcover
Publisher: Little, Brown (1990)
Design: Steve Snider
Photo: Darius Kinsey
Price: $19.95

US & UK Paperback
Publisher: Random House Group / Vintage (2007)
Illustrator: Yuko Kondo
Task: “choose random words from inside each novel and draw these words.”

1st UK Hardback
Publisher: Secker & Warburg (1990)
Design: Peter Dyer
Illustration: Stephen Martin
Price: £14.95
Pages: 1 2